19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA

About Us


A leading school in Arts & Design that educates and develops globally competitive creative practitioners.


PWU SFAD offers future-proofed education that develops competent professionals and transformative agents of change; Forges international alliances and participation in activities of local and global art & design community; Advocates research-based creative practice and inter-disciplinary processes that contribute to society; Promotes techno convergence of history and cultural heritage with contemporary art & design; Fosters an environment of social consciousness and inclusivity and; Cultivates strong partnerships with alumni, related industries and institutions.



Innovation and thought leadership

Integrity and authenticity

Diversity and Inclusivity

Cultural relevance and Social responsibility

Dean JTuralba

Welcome to the 2021-2022 school year! While the new normal continues to keep us at home, we at Philippine Women’s University are committed to providing quality higher education online.

Founded in 1907, the University develops individuals for global competence through excellent and innovative teaching, and dynamic and relevant research. At the PWU School of Fine Arts and Design, each program is an immersive preparation which encourages faculty and student interaction. Our learning by doing approach allows each student to explore creative ways to engage with world and contribute to society.

Many of our alumni have launched brilliant careers after successfully training with us. We welcome you to this community of passionate people always inspiring and learning from one another. We are excited to be your partners in this journey!